Broad spectrum Delta 8 THC oil has been a godsend for many individuals across the country. However, the DEA has made it illegal effective August 21, 2020 with a 60 day comment period. In order for Delta 8 THC to remain legal, please see below to learn how you can help join us in our effort to save Delta 8 THC. We can only win this with massive support so share, share, share!

This is the single best way to help us fight the ruling.

In order for Delta 8 THC to remain legal please click the following link and share how Delta 8 THC has benefitted you.

If/where prompted, reference RIN 1117-AB53/Docket No. DEA-500.

Share your story on social media. Let the DEA know how Delta 8 has helped you and tag @3chicbd so we can share! Or email us a video of your story at

Helpful Tips

  • Keep your story short and to the point
  • Focus on any benefits you’ve experienced from using delta-8
  • Request for the continued legalization of delta-8 and discuss how a ban would affect you

If you submit a story, you are submitting a video that will be used publicly towards the request for the legalization of delta-8 and your personal views toward delta-8. You are not submitting a story or video as a representative of 3Chi or its brand.

Take our quick survey and tell us how Delta 8 has helped you.

Want to know more about delta-8? Click below to read our full beginner’s guide.

Spread the word!